Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Norooz and feeling nostalgic again

Haft-Seen (The 7 "S" symbols of Norooz)

Norooz (the Persian new year which starts at the crack of spring) is on its way again and like the past 6 Noroozes that I have spent away from Iran, I start to feel quite nostalgic and sort of sad...

These days in Iran, like all years previous, I'm sure there is the same old craze everywhere... the excitement and energy in the air as everyone tries to get things ready for Norooz... Spring cleaning, busy streets, insane traffic jams, buying presents, "Haft-Seen"* (the Norooz table), planning ones Norooz holiday vacation, "Chaahaar Shanbeh Soori"** (the fire festival), the new year's feast, painting hard boiled eggs, baking Norooz pastries, and the excitement and anticipation growing in all kids as they wait for their "Eydee" (a-d) (new year's gift(s))... or just feeling happy and eager that something special is on its way...

There is no way that I can experience my same old feelings for Norooz here... Life goes by "as usual" here on Norooz. The same old routine as the past 6 years: I go to work like everyone else, get the work done, put a box of chocolate on my desk and email everyone: "Today is the Persian new year and the 1st day of the spring... please feel free to come by my cubicle and take some chocolate!!" and hope that all the people who come for a chocolate will say 'hi' back to me tomorrow when I say 'hi' to them! Nothing at work, in the streets, on TV, or in the newspapers indicate that there is anything any different or special about this time of the year - it is just another regular day... I may be invited to go to a restaurant with the Persian crowd I know here, but even that doesn't make it feel like it's the best day of the year. Like all my past Noroozes in Canada, I will set my "Haft-Seen" table, turn my TV to the multicultural channel hoping that there is a Norooz special, and wait for the long distance phone calls filled with good wishes and special Norooz greetings from my friends and family around the world that are sure to come. All the while thinking about my beloved ones whom I left behind when I moved to Canada: Grandparents; Aunts; Uncles; Cousins; and all my wonderful and special friends...

Last year, mom was here for Norooz! It felt slighty better, but still not the same. TC couldn't join us since he had a hockey game at the same time, although he did send me an SMS message at the time - while he was resting on the bench in the middle of his game...

I now think to myself, will I ever get to experience the same old Norooz feelings? Will those butterflies in my stomach ever come back while I am counting down the seconds for Norooz?

Links for more info on Norooz:


Blogger Sooski said...

Don't know why I can only post a comment when I am logged in to blogspot... I have the same issue with other weblogs hosted in blogspot!!

10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wowww!It seems I`m gonna learn so many new things about persians:)wanna know more!more more!

7:12 PM  
Blogger Sooski said...

Thanks Inna. I'll try to put more things about persians in here... :)

4:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, now its ok, can post a comment, its really great, and i understand u perfectly, i even was forgotten that new year is this weak :( but always try to celebrate it and do all the traditionals which i love them, happy new year

3:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

but soosk joon, have you seen the blossoms? we are incredibly luck here in Vancouver, we do actually get to see Spring :) I hope you have a good time this year ...

3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi sooski:) ur new year is coming:)So Happy new Year:)

10:22 AM  
Blogger Sooski said...

Thanks a lot, Inna :) 4 more days to go :)

1:38 PM  

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